I started this blog with the best intentions and for reasons I thought were good. I am trained as an analyst, so my research is solid, not from WebMD I am a lifelong medical geek (facts only), have some medical training & many years of research, including at teaching hospitals up my sleeve. I have 3 Autoimmune Diseases & some other probs and am very well versed in those & related (or sometimes unrelated) issues. I love helping people and advocacy work & have done it for a long time and often, physically & online. I am good at … [Read more...]
Comorbidity, Multimorbidity with RA & Other Autoimmune Diseases
When you have Rheumatoid Autoimmune Disease (RA or R.A.D), Lupus, MS, Ankylosing Spondylitis or other Inflammatory/Autoimmune Diseases, (basic list at end of post), it's not uncommon to have multiple, but separate similar... in some cases even completely different unrelated diseases, afflictions or complications that are coincidental, related to or caused by your primary diagnosis... these can even be.. Suprise !!... part of your primary original disease you'd never have thought, would be (those conditions are not technically comorbid because they encompassed as … [Read more...]
Are Apps useful? Paid studies & tech. Is it worth it?
In order to provide good info here, I've been testing various phone & tablet Apps for RA, Pain Tracking, Self Monitoring et al. Also part of my evaluation, is that Mr Rock (aka my rock star husband) can write apps, because he's, amongst other saintly, creative, musical and handy things, a programmer and has several apps out in the market... no not Angry Birds, wow, WISH we'd thought of that one, I'd have minions writing this blog, or fund something great for fellow sufferers... anyway, back on track. (I have been diagnosed with adult A.D.D by the way, but I think … [Read more...]
Why another blog ?
I was going to name this blog "Up bone creak without a paddle (or a cure)" but honestly, WAY too much typing for RA fingers, even though I though it whimsical and clever :-) and not a user friendly web address, so BoneCreak.com it is. This is my basic story of getting diagnosed and a familiar one to many people with an Autoimmune Mobility Disease. After my wonderful Primary Care doc suggested I explore seeing a Rheumatology Specialist, having complained often of pain and aching in joints, I was sort of (depending which Doctor or Rheumatologist you ask) … [Read more...]